The NVAM accredits the e-trainings by LeQuest!
Recognition as educational institution by the NVAM (dutch society of nurse anesthetists) signifies a new milestone for LeQuest. LeQuest enables healthcare providers to use medical technology with competence and confidence. With e-training through simulations, LeQuest trains and certifies health care providers in preparation for daily practice.
The NVAM has granted accreditation for the e-training developed for anesthesia practitioners from various hospitals and will also accredit new training courses. The already accredited training courses of LeQuest are:
- Infusion pumps: Fresenius Kabi, Module MVP, DPS en Base A, Orchestra
- Infusion pumps: BBraun, Perfusor Space en SpaceStation,
- Autotransfusion: Sorin, Electa Concept
- Cell Saver: Haemonetics, Cell Saver 5+
- Ventilation: Breas, VIVO50, MR410 & MR850
- General: Dealing with medical technology
Available shortly: Ventilation: GE Healthcare, Aisys CS2
Accreditation is granted to members of the NVAM who have successfully completed the e-training(s) of LeQuest. The number of accreditation points differs per training.
For more information about the above-mentioned e-trainings please contact LeQuest via